Signs Your Pipes Need Relining

Dealing with damaged pipes can be a significant issue for homeowners, often leading to extensive property damage and costly repairs. Traditional methods of fixing broken or blocked drains typically involve excavating lawns and sometimes tearing down walls. Advancements in plumbing technology, specifically pipe relining, offer a less invasive and more efficient solution.

Pipe Relining

Understanding Pipe Relining

Pipe relining, also known as drain relining, revolutionises how we repair cracked or broken pipes. This method allows for repairs from the inside, eliminating the need for excavation. For those wondering how to fix a cracked PVC pipe or any pipe material without uprooting their garden, pipe relining presents an excellent solution. The process creates a new, durable lining inside the existing pipe without disturbing your yard.

Common Causes of Needing Pipe Relining

Understanding the common causes that necessitate pipe repairs can help homeowners make informed decisions about their property’s plumbing condition. Some key factors that might indicate the need for pipe relining include:

Persistent Clogs

One of the most common signs that your pipes may require attention is the presence of persistent clogs. These are blockages that recur or persist despite not flushing large objects down the drain. For instance, if using the shower regularly leads to a clog in the toilet, it suggests an underlying issue with your pipes that could be resolved with relining.

Old Age

The longevity of plumbing pipes is finite, particularly for older materials that are prone to weakening, cracking, and breaking over time. Homes over 50 years old, or those with plumbing that hasn’t been updated in decades are at greater risk. The deterioration due to age or root intrusion can lead to the need for pipe relining, offering a less disruptive restoration method than traditional pipe replacement.

Root Invasion

Properties surrounded by old trees may face the threat of root invasion, where roots seek out moisture from pipes, leading to joint leaks or structural compromise. This intrusion can severely impede water flow and cause sewage backups, presenting a clear case for the benefits of trenchless pipe relining. Techniques like the use of special epoxy resin in the relining process can effectively seal off breaks, cracks, and leaks from within, mitigating the damage caused by roots without removing the trees.

Understanding these common causes can help you identify when it might be time to consult with professionals like the team from Mr. Drains. Our technicians are adept at diagnosing the precise cause of sewer system issues, and determining whether a simple drain cleaning or a more comprehensive repair is necessary. With trenchless methods, the team ensures your plumbing is restored to optimal condition with minimal disruption.

Common Signs Your Pipes Need Relining

  • Unusual Sounds: Gurgling or bubbling noises from your drains can indicate obstructions or damage within your pipes.
  • Slow Drainage: If your sinks or showers drain slowly, it could be a sign of a blockage or damage that might need relining.
  • Persistent Odours: Foul smells emanating from your drains are a clear indicator of issues that could extend beyond simple blockages.
  • Water Damage: Visible signs of water damage in your home, such as stains on walls or ceilings, may point to leaks that require attention.

How Pipe Relining Works

Trenchless technology, including pipe relining, represents a significant advancement in plumbing repairs, offering a no-dig solution to rehabilitate broken, ailing, and root-invaded pipes with materials that are stronger than conventional pipes. Mr. Drains specialises in these innovative solutions, providing homeowners with efficient, cost-effective, and durable repairs for their plumbing systems.

The process of pipe relining involves several steps to ensure a seamless repair that integrates perfectly with your plumbing system. Initially, a CCTV camera inspection is conducted to assess the damage level. If relining is appropriate, a new liner is inserted through existing access points and expanded to seal against the pipe walls. Once cured, it forms a strong, durable membrane that covers any cracks or breaks, promoting better flow and preventing future leaks.

The Value of Pipe Relining

Many homeowners are concerned about whether relining is a temporary fix. Contrary to this belief, pipe relining is a permanent solution, backed by long-term warranties. The benefits of choosing pipe relining over traditional replacement are numerous:

Faster Repairs

Relining can be completed in a fraction of the time required for full replacements, significantly reducing disruption to your home and schedule.


This method avoids extensive digging, preserving your landscape, hardscape, and home’s structural integrity.

Comprehensive Repair

Utilising drain cameras, specialists can diagnose the underlying causes of pipe damage, addressing both the symptom and its source.


Generally, fixing a broken pipe through relining is more affordable than traditional methods, avoiding the extra costs associated with excavation and landscape restoration.


Relining offers the ability to repair only the damaged sections of pipe, further reducing costs and disruption.

How to Get Your Pipes Relined

If you’re experiencing any of these issues and you’re wondering how do you fix a broken pipe effectively, the answer lies in choosing a trusted partner like Mr. Drains. With over two decades of experience in Melbourne, Mr. Drains specialises in diagnosing and repairing pipe issues using the latest relining technology. Our expert team is ready to restore your plumbing system’s integrity with minimal disruption to your daily life.

Our dedicated team stands ready to provide expert advice and service, ensuring your plumbing issues are resolved swiftly and effectively. For inquiries, or to schedule a consultation, contact Mr. Drains today. Our commitment to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction makes us the trusted choice for all your plumbing needs.